Jun 30, 2013

RHB Group Finance Teambuiding 2013


For 2 days, I participated in "Teambuilding" for Group Finance of RHB at Avillion Admiral Cove, Port Dickson. Although I'm only 3 weeks in RHB, I am thankful that I was able to participate in this program. I admit, I have yet to know many of my colleagues, but, this was my first step to recognize them.

After Check-in...

View from my room..

A variety of activities are available.

 Day 1: Teambuilding Hunt  (Bandar Baru Bangi > Nilai > Seremban > Port Dickson)

This is the first time for me to join a great treasure hunt. I am grateful to be able to join the group of En. Saiful, Mr. Samsuri and Mr. Azhar. All of them are my superior. :) Because of I'm the only girl, so I was assigned to be a navigator. 

7 hours is the time allotted to us to resolve this treasure hunt. With the hot weather and the questions that test the mind, we managed to finish all 30 questions and find 4 treasure trove required. we made ​​it to our hotel which is the last stop before we could check-in. Thank You Allah, we managed to solve a treasure hunt for 6 hours 56 minutes. :) 

In the evening, the winners have been announced. we managed to get second place than 50 groups participated in the treasure hunt. Thank you guys for the awesome hunting and wonderful experiences. :)


Got 2nd place out of 50 teams..

In the evening, the Night Performance HollyBollywood started after dinner. I was the first group to perform. However, my group can only be satisfied without any gifts.

HollyBollywood Performance Night..

Day 2: Teambuilding indoor and beach activities

We have to wake up early in the morning for breakfast and do activities indoor and on the beach. we need to do outdoor activities to get the token, making our group flag, cheers, and trebuchet. Though we did not win, but we are happy. 

We are M-16..


I have to go to work tomorrow. Even tired yet lost, but I'm happy to participate in such activities. I hope to join again in the future. 

Good, all come from Allah.

Jun 17, 2013

My career journey has just begun.........


It seems, too long I do not update my blog. From the last entry to this day, too many things have happened. After the last entry, I have chosen Islamic Capital Market Graduate Training Scheme (ICMGTS) as the beginning step after completing my degree. Within 2 months, I have learned many things. I also met with great instructors and wonderful friends. Thank you Allah. I have successfully completed my training and my licenses examination which is fully funded by the Securities Commission. Alhamdulillah.

During training there, and after completion of training, there are many opportunities interviews I was able to, namely Petronas, CIMB Bank, RHB Bank, Khazanah, KWSP, Aminvestment Bank and UOB Bank. Unfortunately, I only attended CIMB Bank, RHB Bank and Aminvestment Bank. 

I am indeed grateful, after completion of training there, I'm unemployed just a week, and I be accepted to work at RHB Bank. I accept without much question because, I have examined from various aspects, especially the scope of my job will be involved in Islamic banks. Today is my second week as an employee. I am still in the learning process and I'm trying to adjust to the new environment. I am grateful. Thank you Allah. 

My career journey has just begun. I am planning many more to follow later. I never stopped praying that blessings, patience and success accompany every step that me, my dad, my brothers and my sisters are going to take and have taken. 

Only one thing I firmly hold in my heart for a moment. 


Insha Allah, I will... One day.... to be an Expert.... to contribute to the UMMAH.. ~