Mar 12, 2013

8th ICMGTS intake


Mixed feelings when I got this news. I'm happy but all sorts of things in mind. I had to take off two interviews, from Hong Leong MSIG Takaful and from Petronas. And another, I had to forget about the opportunity to work at the HSBC as the answer will be taking a 2 week period. HR staff called me to say stay one more stage for approval. I did not dare to pursue something that is not identified and there is no black and putih.Tetapi not why, after a discussion with his father, finally, I decided to join ICMGTS. Alhamdulillah..

My life may not be going the way I planned, but, its going exactly the way Allah has planned. Indeed, Allah is a better planner, the guide. So, just keep praying.  "Mendengar guruh dilangit jangan air di tempayan dicurah..wise decision needed..Rezekikan rahsia Allah? InshaAllah, Allah has better plan.. Put trust on Him.. :) Moga setiap langkah kita dan keputusan kita diredhai dan dipermudah.. Amin.."



  1. salam sis. leh share tips x utk assessment session tu?

    1. salam, awak sory asking. g icmgts assessment dis coming tuesday k? :)
