Alhamdulillah, already completed interview with HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd at Cyberjaya. Feel very relieved, despite the earlier nervousness out of control. Interview starts right at 2:00 pm. This interview is to position "Global Support Executive-Global Banking and Markets". This interview got a couple of levels.
Stage 1: Telephone interview.
Thanks HSBC for calling me a few times because I keep getting missed calls. huhu.. My telephone interview occurs, when I came to make a clearance in my beloved IIUM. But I try to do as good as possible even in the panic. All questions asked, I tried to give the best answer. After completion of the interview, the interviewer said, if I managed this interview, that I can go to the next level.
Stage 2: Grammar Test
Alhamdulillah, I made it through the first stage. When I arrived there, a little explanation provided. Today, I will undergo 3 stages. But, prior to the next stage, I have to pass English Test. English Test are quite tough and given very little time. There are 3 section along this English Test.
a) Errors in grammar. Select the right one. Each question is given only 30 seconds.
b) Vocabulary. Fill in the blanks. within 5 minutes.
c) Listening. I need to select the appropriate answer.
At first I thought I failed, because if fails, I need to go home immediately without continuing the next stage. And, Alhamdulillah. I made it to the next stage.
Stage 3: Human Resource Screening
When my name is called, continues to dominate how nervous I am. HR staff ask all the necessary documents and forms. I tried very hard to hide the nervousness in my heart. huhu.. Every question be asked by the HR staff, I try to respond as good as possible and convincing. Quite a long time, and finally finished and she asked me to wait until the final stage. Alhamdulillah.
Stage 4: Management Interview
Finally, batch interview at 2.00pm, to the final interview, just stay 4 candidates. Alhamdulillah. Did not expect I made it to the end and I was the only female left. :) And I'm also happy because I've got IIUM friend, Syahmi between the four of us. When my name is called, two interviewer was ready for my interview. I feel it takes a very long time, and the various questions posed to me and various explanations are provided.. I try to give all my best, and try to understand everything that is explained by them. Exactly 5.10 pm, I can go home and I am very relieved. At least, I have tried my best. Now, I can only pray and tawakal. Thanks to my father and my Mr. Z because sent and fetched me. :')
Today, ICMGTS assessment results will be announced. I do not want to put high expectations, but I will continue to pray and tawakal. Other than that, I have to be ready for the next interview session for position "Executive, Credit Control" in Hong Leong MSIG Takaful in Petaling Jaya, next Wednesday.
May Allah ease everything. Amin.