Mar 13, 2013



Yesterday, in around 5 o'clock, a number appears on the screen for mobile phones. "HSBC General" .. I answered the call seems to have no feelings. Sudden appearance of the HR told me that I have been accepted to work at HSBC, Cyberjaya. If I accept this offer, I will start working on next Thursday. Various feelings began to dominate me. I wanted to join ICMGTS, and at the same time, I also want a permanent job for the future. Furthermore, it is not easy to find a job in the current age. I have asked various views and opinions of the few people that I trust. I know, my parents are not proficient in Banking and Finance industry. So I need to find someone to help me to decide.

1) ICMGTS: Very valuable knowledge, related to Islamic Finance (my strong interest), sponsored by Securities commissions, only 2 months and Training at Securities Commissions building at Mont Kiara.

2) HSBC: Permanent Vacancies and Salary, gain working experience, and at Cyberjaya (very near to my house).

I have heard a range of views. both options have advantages. Finally, the views of my best friends have been my firmness in decision making. Thank You Akmal. :)

Thank you so much Akmal! You are really enlighten me. You always try your best to provide the best Explanation. Now, there is no dilemma and Doubt in myself. Today need to compile sentence, for a reprieve from HSBC to accept the offer. If they do not allow, saya redha, mungkin rezeki saya bukan di HSBC atau mungkin bukan untuk jawatan itu. Allah knows best. :)


Mar 12, 2013

8th ICMGTS intake


Mixed feelings when I got this news. I'm happy but all sorts of things in mind. I had to take off two interviews, from Hong Leong MSIG Takaful and from Petronas. And another, I had to forget about the opportunity to work at the HSBC as the answer will be taking a 2 week period. HR staff called me to say stay one more stage for approval. I did not dare to pursue something that is not identified and there is no black and putih.Tetapi not why, after a discussion with his father, finally, I decided to join ICMGTS. Alhamdulillah..

My life may not be going the way I planned, but, its going exactly the way Allah has planned. Indeed, Allah is a better planner, the guide. So, just keep praying.  "Mendengar guruh dilangit jangan air di tempayan dicurah..wise decision needed..Rezekikan rahsia Allah? InshaAllah, Allah has better plan.. Put trust on Him.. :) Moga setiap langkah kita dan keputusan kita diredhai dan dipermudah.. Amin.."


Mar 8, 2013

Interview at HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.


Alhamdulillah, already completed interview with HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd  at Cyberjaya. Feel very relieved, despite the earlier nervousness out of control. Interview starts right at 2:00 pm. This interview is to position "Global Support Executive-Global Banking and Markets". This interview got a couple of levels.

Stage 1: Telephone interview.

Thanks HSBC for calling me a few times because I keep getting missed calls. huhu.. My telephone interview occurs, when I came to make a clearance in my beloved IIUM. But I try to do as good as possible even in the panic. All questions asked, I tried to give the best answer. After completion of the interview, the interviewer said, if I managed this interview, that I can go to the next level.

Stage 2: Grammar Test

Alhamdulillah, I made ​​it through the first stage. When I arrived there, a little explanation provided. Today, I will undergo 3 stages. But, prior to the next stage, I have to pass English Test. English Test  are quite tough and given very little time. There are 3 section along this English Test.

a) Errors in grammar. Select the right one. Each question is given only 30 seconds.
b) Vocabulary. Fill in the blanks. within 5 minutes.
c) Listening. I need to select the appropriate answer.

At first I thought I failed, because if fails, I need to go home immediately without continuing the next stage. And, Alhamdulillah. I made ​​it to the next stage.

Stage 3: Human Resource Screening

When my name is called, continues to dominate how nervous I am. HR staff ask all the necessary documents and forms. I tried very hard to hide the nervousness in my heart. huhu.. Every question be asked by the HR staff, I try to respond as good as possible and convincing. Quite a long time, and finally finished and she asked me to wait until the final stage. Alhamdulillah.

Stage 4: Management Interview

Finally, batch interview at 2.00pm, to the final interview, just stay 4 candidates. Alhamdulillah. Did not expect I made ​​it to the end and I was the only female left. :) And I'm also happy because I've got IIUM friend, Syahmi between the four of us. When my name is called, two interviewer was ready for my interview.  I feel it takes a very long time, and the various questions posed to me and various explanations are provided.. I try to give all my best, and try to understand everything that is explained by them. Exactly 5.10 pm, I can go home and I am very relieved. At least, I have tried my best. Now, I can only pray and tawakal. Thanks to my father and my Mr. Z because sent and fetched me. :')

Today, ICMGTS assessment results will be announced. I do not want to put high expectations, but I will continue to pray and tawakal. Other than that, I have to be ready for the next interview session for position "Executive, Credit Control" in Hong Leong MSIG Takaful in Petaling Jaya, next Wednesday.

May Allah ease everything. Amin.