Feb 19, 2013

Assessments Session: Islamic Capital Market and Graduate Training Scheme (ICMGTS)


This is the first official interview in the history of my life. Although the interview was conducted in different ways, I like to find it done. It used the assessment as a way to find trainees for their program.

Due to some other commitments, ayah can't send me. I had to drive by myself to the Securities Commission, at Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur. Alhamdulillah, with the help from mak su, I can get there early. assessments session started at 9 and I managed to arrive at 8.15 .. :)

After only register in the main lobby, I got the access pass. yeah, I'm agent 007 .. hehe .. after that, I went to the Hall 3 and register for the attendance. I placed in group 1, probably because the name started with the letter A. huhu.. There are 3 students from IIUM, so, not feeling very alone. :)

 Various tasks we had to accomplish during the assessments session:

1) Written Test: We need to select 1 topic from 3 topics provided and must be completed within 20 minutes, no more than 300 words.
2) Listening Test: Based on the video shown, we need to answer a short quiz based on the video.
3) Group Discussion: We were shown another video. Then given 20 minutes to make the discussion in the group. After that, 5 minutes to present individually.
4) Sell yourself  : Sound like something else, right? haha .. we were given just 3 minutes to promote ourselves  to convince evaluators, why we are eligible to participate in this program.

Precisely at 11.30, we're done. Alhamdulillah. We have to wait until the end of this month. If there is no response from the email, we need to understand that we were not selected. I've done the best, and now, only managed trusts and continue to pray to Allah. Hopefully everything is simplified. Now, I need to ready for OCBC video interview tomorrow. Best wishes to those who attended the 8th Batch of ICMGTS assessments sessions. :)


Feb 16, 2013

We only plan, Allah determines everything :)


Be too late to talk about examination results were out on 30th January 2013. but, I still want to say about that. Alhamdulillah .. Finally, I have Graduated. Already completed 128 credit hours .. :) Deepest gratitude to Allah S.W.T. and trillion thank you to Ayah, Mama, family, lecturers, friends and anyone who has helped directly or indirectly. Only Allah is able to Give back to you all. : ')

Despite not getting examination results as expected, but I'm very grateful for still get consistent results. The good news is that my dad say "I am proud of you". : ') If arwah umi still alive.. I'm sure you will be happy too umi.... :')

Ayah and Mama offers graduation gift and I can choose what I want. Thank you Ayah and Mama. : D

Now, I have finished the British Council. But still became an assistant teacher at Kumon. Now, I have to plan my future. Yes, I need to find a permanent job. But, deep in my heart, I want to continue my studies in master. I have put a target. I want to do masters abroad to look for a different atmosphere. I already have a choice of course and university, and Insha Allah, I will sit for IELTS exam in March if no unforeseen circumstances. I will send university application and apply for scholarships. Hopefully everything is simplified.

But I do not forget to apply for the job. Unfortunately, most of my applications to the "Graduate Training Scheme". The reason is that may be I still not be ready to work because in my heart still want to study more. 
Alhamdulillah, next week there will be two interviews:

1) OCBC: Deep Reach Programme
2) SIDC: Islamic Capital Market Graduate Training Scheme (ICMGTS)

I will endeavor to provide the best as possible. I'm trying to plan what is best for me, but I believe that God has a better plan.

May Allah make easy for all of my business, keep my heart from the things that are not good, given things a lot and get a great success in life. Amen.